My Columns From the Republican Eagle

Smart Drivers Stay In Their Lanes

Maybe I did it for the free shirt...

Zen And The Art Of Fall Maintenance

The cold rain and wind gusts created a...

Parsing My Way Through The English Language Jungle

When I was contemplating what path to pursue...

Saturday Breakfast Was A Cereal Event

“Breakfast!” Mom’s final warning crashed into our ears....

Biking My Ischial Tuberosities Off

My sit bones were sore. These are the...

Coupon Clipping Your Way To The American Dream

Her grocery list was handwritten on adding machine...

The Limited Perspective of a Bedridden Girl

Her view out one bedroom window was the...

Search for Pink Elephant Leads To Many Discoveries  

The vision of a pink elephant started me...

Racing Through Summer at the Speed of Life

Finally, the best part of the year has...

Bicentennial Balloon Ride Rises To The Occasion

The large crowd of spectators surrounding us clapped...

Write Your Final Chapter Like There’s No Tomorrow

When my father died in 1995 and we...

On Top of the World from the Safety of the Ground

The four blades spun to life and up...