My Columns From the Republican Eagle

Fearsome Forecast For a Haunted Halloween

The scariest costume I can imagine this Halloween...

Spare Parts in the Junk Drawer

When I was old enough to venture downtown...

Observations of the Creepy Bike Guy

I’ve ridden my bike so much around town...

The Grocery Store We Called Our Own

Candy, pop and 10-cent toys were on my...

Ditching the Drought to Ride the Root

Summer was waning. We had to get out...

Simplifying Life with the Flip of a Coin

We live in a complex world where there...

Angling for a Whale of a Story

The heat and humidity had been unbearable, the...

Gaming That Pesky State Sales Tax

Nothing much of note happened on August 1,...

Camping Reality Is Not The Stuff Of Dreams

Maybe it was the aroma of pine and...

The Dilemma of the Modern Coffee Table

The pile of magazines on the coffee table...

Remove Your Mask and Share Your Smile

It’s June, my favorite month. My fondness for...

The Learning Experience We Called Play Day

We could barely contain ourselves. No one was...