My Columns From the Republican Eagle

COVID Case Causes Cautious Concern

If you’re hoping to catch COVID-19 just to...

The Boys of 1973 Take On Colorado

I can now check a few more things...

How’s Weather in Your Personal Microclimate?

When telephones were first demonstrated, callers weren’t sure...

Real Life Adventures of a Holiday Weekend

It was the July 4 holiday at the...

A Local’s View of Visitors to Pretty Red Wing

Have you ever wondered what people think about...

Future Tech Rules Our Lives Today

We live in a world where even good...

The Cold Truth Behind a Failed Ice Maker

Customer service has become a marathon that you...

Surly Spring Staggers Toward Summer

Did you enjoy spring? I think it was...

Viewing the Countryside from the Way Back

Dad shifted the car into high gear, then...

We Grant A Gracious Goodbye to Grandpa

We buried Grandpa last week. He was the...

Winter’s Great Weight Becomes Spring’s Great Wait

How do Minnesotans know spring has arrived? The...

The Quandary of Red Wing’s Historic Churches

“Why does Red Wing have so many churches?”...