My Columns From the Republican Eagle

The Things We See If We Just Slow Down

There’s a lot to see in this world...

Our Complex Computer World Is Warning Us

Let’s get technical for a moment, shall we?...

Change Helps Us Cherish the Things That Don’t

Remember shag carpeting? It was all the rage....

It’s Not Your Grandma’s Shopping Experience Anymore

I needed an anniversary card pronto. I didn’t...

A Visit with History in Northern New Mexico

It was June and we needed to get...

June Wakes Us Up to a Deep Green Recovery

This is as green as it gets. It’s...

Your Expiration Date is a Mortality Experience

My hammock is falling apart. The cotton ropes...

Too Much Information and Still Not Getting the Whole Story

Why do we watch so much TV? And...

My Sidearm is a Loaded Tablet Computer

I’m typing this on my iPad, a tablet...

The Old Family Freezer Was a Treasure Chest

We ate fish sticks on Fridays. But we...

Am I Doing My Part to Save the Planet?

The big snowstorm we just had is already...

Overwhelmed by the Music We Once Couldn’t Get

I enjoy music as much as the next...