My Columns From the Republican Eagle

My Guardian Angel

Mom often said that I have a guardian...

The Rituals of Car Maintenance

With a hefty push on the ratchet, the...

Dad’s Haircuts Created Lots of Buzz

The buzz of the hair clipper was loud...

Next-gen Cars Charging Toward Us Overnight

My reward for passing my driver test in...

The 4:30 Club

Some of the 4:30 Club members, from left:...

The Endurance of Early Spring

We were in trouble and we knew it....

Into the Wind

I was out of string. Four 250-foot rolls...

East Ender

I’m a Red Wing east ender. I now...

The Village People’s YMCA

The smell of sweat and chlorine was unmistakable...

A Bitter Lesson in the Depths of Winter

This can be a tough time of year...

The Green Coat

Four distinct seasons didn’t matter a lot to...

Snow Shoveling 101

The sidewalk was a packed ridge of slippery...