My Columns From the Republican Eagle

Racing Through Summer at the Speed of Life

Finally, the best part of the year has...

Bicentennial Balloon Ride Rises To The Occasion

The large crowd of spectators surrounding us clapped...

Write Your Final Chapter Like There’s No Tomorrow

When my father died in 1995 and we...

On Top of the World from the Safety of the Ground

The four blades spun to life and up...

Managing Meds Can Be A Bitter Pill To Swallow

If you’re of a certain age, you probably...

Memories Make Mother’s Day Meaningful

Mom was always right, even when she was...

A Coat For Every Season In A Month

April really can be the cruelest month, especially...

Spring Melt Brings a Flood of Memories

“Mom, me and Tony are going fishing at...

Our Winter Escape To Bucket List Paradise

Aloha! In Minnesotan that means “I vacationed in...

Digitizing Memories One Slide At A Time

When we moved a couple years ago, I...

Overloaded By The Wonders Of Tech

My lounge chair cradled me comfortably as I...

Closed Captioning Says It All

“Turn on the words, will you?” Catherine knew...