
Band Names Rule in a Changing World of Music

The 100-plus bands that performed at the Big...

That Damp, Dark, Beautiful Basement

The TV meteorologist was displaying a graphic that...

The Madness of Modern Medical Marketing

An ad for a prescription medication was playing...

The Sweet Tastes of a Kid’s Summer

From the perspective of kids, summer is over....

Our Practice Yard on Rocky Ridge

Mowing the yard was never a big deal....

My Farmer Boy Summers

The smell of freshly cut alfalfa and the...

Evolving at the Speed of Computers

Someone once complained to me that his computer...

The Apex of Summer

The distant sound of firecrackers stopped us in...

My Guardian Angel

Mom often said that I have a guardian...

The Rituals of Car Maintenance

With a hefty push on the ratchet, the...